Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Disciples Then and Now

Preached on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at Low Mass.
(Easter 6, Tuesday: Acts 16:16-34, Psalm 138, John 16:5-11)

On Thursday we will celebrate Jesus' Ascension to the Father. In today's reading from Saint John's Gospel Jesus begins to prepare his disciples for his death, resurrection, and ascension to the Father. The disciples fears were justified. What were they to do if they lost their founder and leader?

As we read through the Acts of the Apostles throughout Eastertide we see how they responded. We see the various apostles’ lives mirroring Jesus’ life: they proclaim the kingdom of God by preaching, gaining new disciples, and even performing miracles; they are put on trial, persecuted, and killed by Jewish and Roman leaders.

They were able to move beyond their fear because Jesus had given them the gift of the Holy Spirit. A Counselor who could help them to interpret scripture, help them to recall what Jesus had taught, and help them to understand Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. A Guide who could lead them out into the world and help them spread the good news of Christ. An Advocate who could help them preach, teach, and perform signs to show the world that God was with them.
A Comforter to fill them with the knowledge that God was still with them even if Jesus had ascended to the Father and the knowledge that God was with them no matter what, even if they were put on trial and persecuted.

The issue of a church whose head and founder has been gone for 2000 years remains to this day. One of the toughest questions that I, as a Christian, have to answer is how I can base my whole life on someone who died 2000 years ago. What proof can I give that Jesus rose? What proof can I give that there is such a thing as eternal life? What proof can I offer to back up Saint Paul’s claim that all you need to do is believe in Jesus and you will be saved?

There is no one answer to the question: “why do you believe in Jesus?” Any answer that comes from the Spirit that dwells within anyone who follows Christ is right. It is through the power of the Spirit that we too mirror the life of Jesus. It is through the Spirit that you and I proclaim the kingdom of God by preaching, gaining new disciples, and performing signs; it is through the Spirit that when we are put on trial we have an answer and if we are persecuted we can endure.

When you and I cultivate and use the gifts that we have been given by the Spirit, we show the love of God to the world and our very lives prove that the lord has risen indeed!

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