Sermon preached on Friday, May 9, 2008
EASTER 7, FRIDAY: ACTS 25:13-21, PSALM 103:1-6, JOHN 21:20-25
Today we celebrate the feast day of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus. Gregory was a bishop in the early church and one of a group of three Saints (Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory of Nissa, and Gregory of Nazianzus) known as the Capedocian Fathers. Their theological writings and sermons on subjects such as the Trinity and the Oneness of God were important in defending the church from various heresies that attempted to divide God or subjugate Jesus or the Spirit to the Father. In particular, Gregory is known for a series of five sermons that he preached on the Trinity and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Today's Gospel comes from the final chapter of John's Gospel. The three questions by Jesus about Peter's love for him mirror the three denials that Peter made during the Passion. Often, Jesus' command to Peter to "Feed my sheep" is used by bishops and other clergy for the care they are to give to Christ's flock, the church. I don't think we need to limit the care of those around us to clergy alone.
I think each of us can support other members of the church through the gifts that God has givne us. Gregory was a gifted preacher and theologian and he supported the church with those gifts and fed the people of God through the power of the Holy Spirit that filled him. My guess is that each of us is trying to use the gifts that God has given us to support and nurish the church and its members. This week, as we move toward Pentecost and the celebration of the Holy Spirit working in our lives, I hope that each of us can ask for guidance and help, to be filled with the power of the Spirit, that we might continue what we have begun, and also that we might find in ourselves gifts that we are not yet using to help spread the love of God to those around us.
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