Sunday, May 06, 2007

Parks and Private Gardens

PSALM 145:1-9; ACTS 13:44-52; REVELATION 19:1,4-9; JOHN 13:31-35

I had a conversation with my father yesterday about various types of Christians. We talked about how some Christians seems to value personal morals above almost every other aspect of their faith - sometimes including their faith in the resurrection itself. Likewise we talked about how other Christians sometimes value social justice above every other aspect their faith - again sometimes including their the resurrection. Neither of these values are necessarily bad, and I do think we all focus on certain aspects of our faith as a way of living the Christian life in the world. But what are we called to focus on?

Our Gospel today gets to that question very clearly: what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? How are we recognized as disciples of Jesus? The answer that Jesus offers is love of others. "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Taking our love of Christ and letting it go forth from us to others is the essence of Christian evangelism and mission, and I beleive that we are living as disciples in the world when we do that. Taking the love of Christ and bottling it up to purify ourselves and others is all well and good, but If we aren't spreading love to one another, I'm not sure what value it really has for mission or evangelism. In fact, at one point in the Gospels, Jesus himself says that its not important what goes into a man, but what comes out of him that matters.

I have a beautiful roof deck outside of my aprartment. It overlooks part of Times Square and is covered with flowers and plants. Most of you will never ever see it or get to experience it. Compare that to Central Park. I think many people beleive that Central Park is made beautiful by the City, but the truth is that the Park is what it is because of the gifts, donations, and commitment the citizens give to it. In the 70s and 80s when Central Park was maitained by the city, it was ugly and dangerous. Now that it has been claimed by the people and given their attention and care, it is a place open for all people that makes my beautiful little garden ono the roof look plain and barren. My little garden is wonderful but nobody gets any enjoyment out of it other than me and my family and friends; the effort that I take to maintatin it doesn't do much for the public good. Central Park on the other hand is open to all through the efforts of many people. If I had to choose which I like better, I will always choose Central Park.

I think these images translate well to being a Christian in the world. We can value ourselves and try to become perfect Christians offering little to others, or we can value others and use the gifts that we have been given for others. I beleive that we are called to live as Christians for other people. How are we to be recognized as disciples of Christ? By loving one another and showing the love of God that we have expereinced to them.

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