Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Updates & Sermons

Generally, I preach somewhere between 5 and 8 times each week. I put up what I can when time permits. I hope to add a few more sermons preached over the last few weeks and also some new ones too. Updates have been (and probably will remain) slow because my wife and I now have a child! His name is Liam, he's 7 weeks old. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christian greetings from a priest in the Hereford Diocese, UK. I listened to the Festal Eucharist from your Father's Church this am[your time] and learned it was your son's Baptism today. Congratulations to all the family, and my prayers especially for Liam. I will continue to go to the New York Church web sites, as I am now disabled and attend Hereford Cathedral only weekly [we live 36 miles away near Ludlow UK, and am no longer allowed to drive]. Hereford Cathedral has a good website - do look it up via google if you can! From gordon at